Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010 Podcase - My head hurts

Haku 'ał’aliwǝ’ǝ,

Hello brothers and sisters,

My name is Timothy Henry. I am a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and I have spent the last 5 years of my life in devoted research to the language of the Ventureño Chumash people.

In order to reach out to those that I cannot meet in person, I have decided to start this blog. I will try to post something every day, even if it is just a word.

You can subscribe to it as a podcast, and then listen to it at your ease.

This morning I woke up with a terrible headache, so we will use this opportunity to teach you two words:

1) uši’ik which is a verb, and it means ’to ache, to hurt’

2) yǝwǝš which is a noun, and it means 'head or face'

If we put them together in a sentence, we get:

tšuši’ik he’šikyǝwǝš, which translates as literally, 'I ache my head,' and which translates practically as 'my head hurts.'

Well, that's all for today, I look forward to talking to you tomorrow,


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Haku ’ał’aliwǝ’ǝ,

I have started this blog to help disperse information about the language and culture of the Chumash people living in and around present-day Ventura, California. The village that used to be where Ventura is was called Mitsqanqan̓, and so we can refer to the language from that area as Ventureño (the Spanish name) Chumash or Mitsqanaqan̓ Chumash.

I plan to post interesting linguistic topics here in a form easy to digest for the non-linguist. As it is relevant, I will also include cultural notes. If you are Ventureño Chumash, however, you are encouraged to contribute! I also plan to use this blog to host podcasts, and those can be useful for learning about the spoken form of Mitsqanaqan̓. As I find them, I will post relevant links on the side of the blog.

